
mr. angel and new photos

I bought a new lenses. I had a lot of troubles with these lenses, but…
Today I used lenses and I wanna say that these lenses very good.
color very beautiful and intense.

Lenses very confortable,I think that I can use their all day X)
in my eye

About lenses :

Dia 16.00mm
Weter 38%
Polyhema 62%

and about my new look,,
今朝 I had to get up too early (oh, I don't like it)
I wanted to look like Jang Keun Suk in this photo 

I don't know it good or no (tell me, please), but I think photos very good… hm, and I think about make one photo epigraph of my blog (what you think about it?)

So, good luck, guys, I hope see you again X3 

PS. some pics for you

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